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Common Types of OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can completely take over a person’s life. It is important to understand the types of OCD so you and your healthcare team can treat it effectively, as there are different ways of managing and treating the disorder based on its type.  

LightHeart Associates’ OCD treatment services are designed to support individuals in developing coping strategies and managing symptoms associated with the different types of OCD. Call us at 425.800.5688 today to learn more. 

What Is OCD? 

OCD is a mental health condition characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that the individual feels driven to perform. These obsessions and compulsions can interfere significantly with daily activities and social interactions. 

Unlike media portrayals, OCD is not simply an inclination for orderliness and cleanliness. Instead, it can be a debilitating condition that causes significant distress and impairment in daily life. 

Common Types of OCD 

There are several common types of OCD, each with unique symptoms and challenges: 

  1. Contamination OCD – This form involves intense fear about contamination and germs. Individuals with this type often engage in excessive cleaning or handwashing. 
  1. Hoarding – Hoarding involves difficulty discarding items, regardless of their actual value, due to a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding OCD experiences distress at the thought of getting rid of the items. 
  1. Intrusive thoughts – This type of OCD involves unwanted and distressing thoughts, images, or urges that cause anxiety. These thoughts are often violent, sexual, or blasphemous. 
  1. Symmetry and ordering – Individuals with this type have a need for things to be symmetrical or in perfect order. They may spend excessive time arranging objects. 

Only a health professional can accurately diagnose OCD, but recognizing the common symptoms and types can help individuals seek appropriate treatment.  

Other Types of OCD 

It is important to note that these are just a few of the many types of OCD. Other common types include: 

  • Checking OCD – People with this type have an intense fear of harm coming to themselves or others, leading them to repeatedly check things like locks, stoves, and appliances. 
  • Pure-O OCD – This is a form of OCD without observable compulsions. Instead, individuals experience intense mental rituals and intrusive thoughts. 
  • Relationship OCD – This type involves obsessive thoughts about the quality of one’s relationships, leading to excessive reassurance-seeking and avoidance behaviors. 

There are various treatment options available for OCD.  

Treatment for OCD 

Effective treatment for OCD involves a combination of therapy and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often used to help individuals challenge their thoughts and develop healthier coping mechanisms. 

Medication, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may also be prescribed to help manage symptoms. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary. 

At LightHeart Associates, our treatment services are tailored to the individual’s needs and focus on developing healthy coping mechanisms and managing symptoms. We believe in a holistic approach that incorporates both therapy and medication, as well as support from family and loved ones. 

Call LightHeart Associates to Learn OCD Coping Methods 

At LightHeart Associates, our approach to treating OCD is rooted in understanding, compassion, and the latest therapeutic techniques. Recognizing that OCD can significantly impact an individual’s daily life, our team employs a variety of treatments designed to empower our clients and provide them with effective coping methods.

If you are ready to take the next step in your mental health journey, click here to reach out to our team of empathetic mental health care experts. For existing clients, please click here and find your office location to contact your office directly. We can help you or your loved one manage the symptoms of OCD. At LightHeart Associates, we are committed to helping our clients overcome their challenges and achieve their mental health goals.